Friday, May 14, 2010

Semester Reflection

I would bet every one of us could say they gained something from this class. Whether that be developing your drawing technique, practicing making organic forms, or just getting in the habit of translating what you see on to paper, etc, this class helps us as artists tremendously.

In looking at the objectives on the syllabus, I believe that if you came to class at least most of the time you had to achieve objective 3 (improving line quality) because we practiced it so damn much. After going back and forth repeatedly doing contours and gestures, I can really tell the difference in my line quality now. I also believe that I'm well versed in objective 2 (understanding, addressing and using human anatomy). I struggled with my Manekin, but I think I got at least a good representation of the important muscles. Taking Phys and Anat, and Human Biology within the last three year really helped my understanding of this objective. Objective 4 (communicate effectively) I am not as confident about simply because I am timid in class discussions, however I enjoy updating my blog and hope I convey and share my thoughts effectively enough through the interwebs. I think the most difficult challenge for me this semester was Objective 1 because of the sketchy, 'painterly' style that I have. Also, 3D not being my favorite dimension, I struggle trying to translate it. I know I've learned much, and know what I need to work on to develop my drawing skills further.

This class is extremely beneficial to my goal of becoming an art instructor by any means necessary. I have a very open mind about the particulars of the career, but I know that having developed skills will help me achieve a position anywhere. Drawing is such a foundation skill in the arts, and I will be teaching a lot of it.

There are some obvious improvements since this first half of the semester. I think my shell drawings show the most evidence. Most of my improvements are described above in achieving the objectives. I tried to take some advice from the midterm grades. I stay updated on my blog and post every week this half. I made improvements to my Manekin by fixing the mentioned muscles.

Here are some of my drawings!:
My Final Portfolio

Thursday, May 6, 2010

It's all in the details

I'm really enjoying the lessons in class where we get a chance to learn and practice specific parts of the body that are known to be difficult to draw. The hands, feet, skull, and facial features are some examples of these tricky things that we've been working on lately. I think nailing these specific details is what can push your drawings to be portfolio-quality. Some examples of these are shown above.

(I'm having some difficulties uploading pics, and should have them up soon!)